15August, 2019 6:29 PM
Last year was my first time at Cruinniú na mbád in Kinvara and I admit to being hooked.As a young lad in the 60's I was lucky enough to sail on a Hooker, the traditional Irish sailing turf boats that plied the west coast right up to the late 60's, early 70's. So seeing the Cruinniú (gathering) of these majestic workhorses was and is very special. And to be there this year, the 40th Anniversary of the Festival's inaugrration. The local committee and all the work groups ......
14July, 2019 12:20 PM
There is a small charge of €2.00 to view the galleries from the Kingdom Pony club event yesterday. This charge earns you €2.00 credit on any purchases you make.Those who bought images on-site at Crag Cave will be added to the gallery and will get access when they log on. All of those accounts will be added on the 15th of JulyWe got shots of nearly everyone competing yesterday and the images will be put up as I get through each class in the 1400 odd we took.We photogra ......
10May, 2019 4:35 PM
I recently bought a new Sigma 150-600mm lens to photograph sport and, in particular, nature. It is going to take a while to get used to itThe first shots were taken at Ballymorris Pottery. Used a monopod.The next one was taken at home. I wonder is this wagtail a desendant of the ones who built a nest in the cement mixer, while we were building our house and delayed the work for a while!!The next shots were especially sought. I went up to Adare to capture an egret I h ......

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